"Enter ghost ; ; ; ; ;All the beautiful rooms"

Enter ghost                All the beautiful rooms
are empty

All the accounts deactivated

Calendars vacated of all spectacle      all spectacular affairs

We no longer touch
each other’s faces

We dream of vengeful animals
escaping their electrified enclosures

Suspiciously low flying airplanes

Houseplants sickening and dying      from the burden
of our smothering love

"Where is the daughter the son"

Where is the daughter the son

The monogamous swans
tucked in for the night under their white wings

Have you ever seen a swan in flight

I have never seen it

The winter sun bleaches everything

Blanches the snow-dusted hills

There is no swoon     no afterlight

Have you ever seen it

I remember when we were ravenous for the sun      and the sun
was ravenous for us